Summary  -  Document Distribution  -  Document Control  -  Customer Gateway  -  Content Security  -  Business Benefits

Post Publication Document Control

It is following the publication of a document (transmitting the document to an external recipient), that control over the document is normally lost. Once it has been received (downloaded) then the recipient is generally able to use the file as they wish, including copying, printing and emailing. Even PDF files can usually be reverted back to Word documents for manipulation. Also, once a document is held by a customer on their desktop, it is difficult to ensure that they replace it with the latest version when a new version is published. This is a significant problem when the documents are content sensitive and even more so when they become subject to compliance requirements. 

Coview provides complete post publication control over documents and digital content. All documents (and multi media files) are still under the control of Coview, and therefore under the control of your company, even after they have been distributed to external clients.



Updates Existing Documents


Removes Outdated Documents


Provides Alert Messages


Guarantees Delivery


Ensures Integrity and Security


Audit Trail  


Supports Compliance  

Customer Gateway